
An asura who lived in Manimatinagara. Ilvala had a younger brother called Vatapi. Once Ilvala went to a Brahmin and asked to be blessed with a boy who would equal Indra. The Brahmin refused. From that day, the brothers treated brahmins as their sworn enemies. Ilvala transformed Vatapi into a goat. Whenever brahmins visited them, Ilvala would cut the goat into pieces and feed the brahmins. When the meal was completed, Ilvala would say ‘Vatapi, come out’. Vatapi would tear through the brahmins’ stomach and emerge. Thus the brothers killed many brahmins. This was when Agastya and his group reached Ilvala’s abode. As usual, Ilvala prepared the meat and gave it to Agastya. As soon as the meal was over, he said “Vatapi, come out”, but Agastya calmly said “Vatapi Jeerno bhava”, and Vatapi was immediately digested. According to the Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 99, a frightened Ilvala gave each Brahmin 10000 cows and an equal amount of gold coins. he gave double that to Agastya, and in addition, also gave him a chariot with two horses named Viravan and Suravan.