
A holy place on the banks of the Saraswati. As per the Mahabharata Vanaparva Chapter 83, Brahma, and many devas and sages lived here for a while.

The place is also known as Kapalamochana. In Dandakaranya, Rama killed a lot of demons. The skulls of many of these demons, carried away by Rama’s arrows, fell in a forest nearby. Later, when the sage Mahodara was walking through this area, one of the skulls pierced his foot. It not only became a huge sore, but the sage was not able to remove the skull from his foot. He visited many holy places but could not find a way to remove it. Finally he reached Oushanas. There, not only did he manage to remove the skull, he also received many powers. Thus this place also came to be known as Kapalamochana. After this, Brahma, Balarama, Vishwamitra and many others visited this place as per Mahabharata Shalyaparva Chapter 39.