
An attendant of Shiva. When Lakshmi was cursed by Vishnu into becoming a horse, Shiva sent Vishnu a message through Chitrarupa as per Devibhagavata Skanda 6.

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Chitraratha (8)

The son of Veerabahu. He was present at the swayamwar of Kusha’s daughter Hema. He used the mohanastra on the others there and took Hema away. But he felt guilty and revoked the astra, and waited at the city’s gates. A fight started, but everyone was defeated except Luv. Veerabahu, whow as observing this, intervened and fought with Luv. Kusha then entered the fray and imprisoned Veerabahu, but released him when Rama said that the latter was his friend. Hema was given to Chitraratha and Veerabahu treated with respect as per Anandaramayana Rajyakanda.

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Chitraratha (6)

An Anga king. He married Prabhavati, sister of Ruchi who was the wife of Devasharma as per Mahabharata Anushasanaparva Chapter 42 verse 8.

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Chitraratha (4)

The son of Gaya, belonging to Bharata’s dynasty. He had a sister named Sugati and a brother named Avarodhana as per Bhagavata Panchamaskanda.

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Chitraratha (3)

A Salva king. Jamadagni;s wife Renuka once saw him frolicking in the Ganga with his wife. She was thus delayed in getting back to the hermitage and Jamadagni asked their son Parashurama to behead her as per Brahmandapurana Chapter 59.

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